Genoa: Easy is the descent into Hell.

Genoa: Easy is the descent into Hell.

Aeneas and the Sibyl, ca. 1800, Yale Center for British Art Originally posted on Thursday, April 10th, 2014 In the Aeneid, Book Six, Line 126, Virgil writes: Facilis decensus Averno.   Translated:  “Easy is the descent into Hell.” In full context: Facilis...
Keynesians as Platonic Totalitarians

Keynesians as Platonic Totalitarians

Plato, copy of Silanion, Capitoline Museums Originally posted on Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 As the great contemporary philosopher Karl Popper (teacher and inspiration of George Soros) teaches in The Open Society and its Enemies, Plato is the proto-totalitarian and a...