“Barbarians as Liberators.”

Originally posted on Tuesday, July 30th, 2013 Writing last April in the UK’s Telegraph about “Gold, Currency Debasement, and the Fall of the Roman Empire,” journalist James Delingpole quotes from anthropologist Joseph Tainter’s The Collapse of...

Stardust, Golden

Originally posted on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013 Smithsonian Magazine reports a fascinating new scientific theory as to where gold originated:  colliding stars. Artist rendering by Dana Berry courtesy of NASA On June 3, 3.9 billion light-years away, two incredibly...

Keynes: Vague and Jejune Meditations

Originally posted on Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 What were what Keynes called the “vague and jejune meditations” of Churchill’s advisors from the “imaginary academic world?” Courtesy of Wikipedia What persuaded Churchill to undertake the catastrophic blunder, in 1925, of...